Maksym Levytskyi - Wznawianie flutter

Sfera IT
1600 $
Ukraina (Lwów)
Osoba kontaktowa: Maksym Levytskyi
Kraj rezydencji: Ukraina
Wiek: 22
Telefon: pokazać
Doświadczenie w pracy:
Flutter Developer: Embox Solutions(current company) - 1 year Freelance - 0.5 years Working on startup and pet projects - 0.5 years Web Master: Nestle Business Services Lviv - 2.5 years Flutter: Projects I have worked on: - Blockchain app - BloC + Equatable, Rest API; - App for playing and learning drums for Linux (flutter embedded) – Websockets, webview, PDF reader, Method Channel for С++, AWS S3, music player + metronome functionality, isolates; - App for electric chargers – BLoC + freezed, Rest API, Mapbox navigation, payment (Paystack), QR code scanner, Firebase (Auth + Remote Notifications); - App for mental health - GetX, Hive, firebase, subscription management (RevenueCat), analytics (Firebase, Facebook, Mixpanel, Smartlook), OneSignal, Remote Config, Referral System (BranchIO), Method Channel; - App for food delivery - GetX, Firebase, Stripe, Google Maps, Firebase Database + Auth. Other Flutter Projects: - Shopping app (pet project) - Bloc/Cubit + freezed, DDD, Firebase; - Authentication app - Bloc + freezed, RestAPI, dio, clean architecture; - Weather app - GetX, GetConnect, GetStorage, RestApi; - App for travellers (University/Start-up project) - setState, BLoC + Inherited Widget, SQLite, Firebase, Google Maps. Nestle projects: Nestle Purina AOA, Croquons La Vie, Garden Gourmet EMENA, Nestle Professional Canada, Thommy Sweden, Lilies Kitchen CH Responsibilities: - Migration between Drupal CMS versions; - communication with market and agencies - optimizing flow of processes - creating HTML/CSS/JS pages - creating/updating content on web pages - onboarding new team members - setting up the Drupal environment - Improve Search Engines ranking by applying SEO best practices - Creating standard routines documentation - Implementation of SRH (smart recipe hub) - Estimating project timelines
Internet of Things (IoT) - Lviv Polytechnic National University - Bachelors degree - 2022 Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies - Lviv Polytechnic National University - Masters degree - 2024
Umiejętności zawodowe i inne:
Flutter: State Management: Bloc + freezed, Cubit + equatable, GetX, Change and Value Notifiers, Flutter Hooks, setState, Inherited Widget Data bases: Firestore, Hive, SQLite Patterns: DDD, Clean Architecture, MVC Services: Firebase (Firestore, Storage, Authentication, Functions, Cloud Messaging, Remote Config, Deep Links, App Distribution, Dynamic Links), Revenue Cat, OneSignal, HelpCrunch. Payment: Stripe, Paystack. Maps: Mapbox, Google Maps. Analytics: Firebase, Facebook, Mixpanel, Smartlook, BranchIO. Others: Dio, Retrofit, Shared Preferences, Native Callbacks.
Umiejętności językowe:
Web Development: HTML, CSS, JS, MongoDB, Web CMS(Drupal 7, 8, 9, WordPress); Arduino IDE; AWS (Docker, API Gateway, Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB, S3); Scrum, Waterfall, Git, Jira, Trello, Computer Networks.

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