Denis Mukhin - Резюме Project management

Project management
Топ-менеджмент - Директора
5000 €
Латвия (Рига)
Контактное лицо: Denis Mukhin
Страна проживания: Россия
Возраст: 33
Телефон: показать
Опыт работы:
More than 14 years of successful experience in management and work in commercial structures in the field of agriculture, Medina holding, as well as the creation and opening of your own business
The first higher education with honors in finance, the second business education MBA.
Профессиональные и другие навыки:
Organization, purposefulness, search and development of the company-direction, meeting deadlines, optimizing business processes, setting up communications of related departments, structured and controlled, finding a common language with everyone
Владение языками:
Английский Финский
Ready to work hard and efficiently to achieve your goals. The most important value for me is to be useful in a new team. I like to acquire new knowledge, I am not afraid of new directions of work. Ready for a lot of technical work. I have a permanent renewable Schengen visa, my wife and children are citizens of Finland. I am raising two daughters.

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Последние добавленные резюме.

Любую. Возможно с обучением. Сварщик

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3000-3500- €


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