Arthur Molodovskiy - Резюме QA (manual)

QA (manual)
1500 $
Латвия (Рига)
Контактное лицо: Arthur Molodovskiy
Возраст: 33
Телефон: показать
Опыт работы:
August 2013 —August 2014 Homecredit Bank - Economic security specialist September 2014— May 2019 Priorbank OJSC - Cashier/controller November 2020— till now Lacit - manual qa
Higher Vitebsk State Technological University, Vitebsk economic, Finance and Credit
Профессиональные и другие навыки:
Software tester -manual software testing -regression testing, smoke testing - cross-browser and cross-platform testing - non-functional testing - work in devtools (understanding HTTP, JSON) - basic understanding of how HTML, CSS, DOM work - understanding of microservice architecture - writing test documentation (working with Testrail, TestIT) - Collaboration with development team and BA - drafting bug reports - work with sql at the level of simple queries - work with Postman - testing projects on SAP - Working with jira/confluence
Владение языками:
Stress-resistant, ability to work in a team, focus on results, responsibility

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