Andre Andre - Резюме work

Менеджеры - Операторы - Телекоммуникации
1500 $
Эстония (Таллин)
Контактное лицо: Andre Andre
Страна проживания: Польша
Возраст: 37
Телефон: показать
Опыт работы:
Highly ambitious with experience in sales, marketing and advertising. Expertise in market analysis, business forecasting and assessment of customer needs. Motivated position with solid experience managing large projects at all levels, including budget and administration. Talented Position, with solid history in Aria. Portfolio available in . Sales representative customer oriented with more than 8 years of experience in providing customer solutions. Solid knowledge of [Systems and Programs]. Analyst with extensive experience in Areas. Skills include Skill Set and Skill Set
Degree: Oil extraction National University of Oil and Gas 2012 Luanda Business Management: Finance and Credit CEFOCA training center 2010 Luanda Informatica: User Mode CEFOCA training center 2009 Luanda Driving license : Driving school CEFOCA training center
Профессиональные и другие навыки:
eam leadership staff development Customer review and analysis solid verbal communication budgeting and finance advanced user of computing contract audits Process implementation Negotiation/revision / drafting of contracts data management customer centric Project management microsoft office Change management strong ability to negotiation Management processes and analysis of risks self motivated Conflict resolution learn quickly team spokesperson Elaboration and analysis of reports
Владение языками:
I have the ability to learn very quickly, so I believe that if you give me an opportunity to show that I deserve your trust.

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