Maksym Vydria - Резюме Оператор Чпу

Оператор Чпу
Разнорабочие - Рабочие специальности
1000 $
Литва (Клайпеда)
Контактное лицо: Maksym Vydria
Страна проживания: Литва
Возраст: 31
Телефон: показать
Опыт работы:
I worked on a manual milling machine, then as an operator-programmer on a Haas machine for 1.5 years. At the moment I work as an operator at a machine with the Siemens program. Work process: reading the drawing, setting up, preparing tools, binding, submitting the part for inspection if the part is complex. There were 2 machines at the workplace.
ХЦПТО. Educational institution in the city of Kharkov, Ukraine.
Профессиональные и другие навыки:
Correction and writing of a control program in SINUMERIK 840D. Production of parts with precise dimensions H7, M7... boring of holes. Use of measuring instruments: calipers, various calibers, bore gauges, micrometers.
Владение языками:
Looking for a job in Klaipeda. At the moment, I live and work in the city of Kaunas.

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