Daria Zhiganova - Резюме Asian cuisine cook

Asian cuisine cook
Рестораны - Кафе - Гостиницы
1500 $
Турция (Стамбул)
Контактное лицо: Daria Zhiganova
Возраст: 20
Телефон: показать
Опыт работы:
My first job was working as a cook at the fast food pizzeria - Dodo Pizza. I work there for half a year. Then I worked at the most popular Asian restaurant chain of my city - AYAMI and I worked there for one year. Now I am working at my third job in the best restaurant in my city - NeGorkiy Sad. I am working here already for 3 months. Also when I finished school I worked and lived in Turkey as a volunteer in organisation named EKAD. I lived and worked in Turkey for 2 months.
My education is Russian school program.
Профессиональные и другие навыки:
I am a professional cook of Japanese cuisine and some other Asian dishes. I can work with fryer, woks, grill, slicer and of course stove.
Владение языками:
I love Turkish kitchen, culture and people. Someday I want to get education in Turkish university and move to Turkey. Also while I will work I want to learn Turkish!

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