bezpośredni pracodawca Dutchstar B.V. (Hospitality)

Typ spółki: bezpośredni pracodawca

Osoba kontaktowa: Ilya

Holandia, Амстердам

+380(63)236-03-37, +380(63)236-03-37

O firmie:

Wyświetlenia 1057
Oferty prace 13
Subskrybenci 1
Opinie 0

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Dutchstar B.V. (Hospitality)
(Opinie: 0)

Holandia, Амстердам



DUTCHSTAR – The international property & workforce expert.

DUTCHSTAR offers the complete service package for renting-out residential & commercial real estate.

From decor installations, maintenance, management, software, tenancies, reservations, housekeeping and check-ins to check-outs. We take care of everything that property owners and their customers need.

We use the most modern technologies, and we are available & operational 7 days per week. We specialize in IT, HR, Legal, Finance, PR, Customer care, Labour, and Design. Our top team is composed exclusively of experts who work for the property’s yield and the customer’s well-being.

Welcome to ...

bezpośredni pracodawca Dutchstar B.V. (Hospitality)

Typ spółki: bezpośredni pracodawca

Osoba kontaktowa: Ilya

Holandia, Амстердам

+380(63)236-03-37, +380(63)236-03-37

O firmie:

Przeglądy profilu 1057
Oferty prace 13
Subskrybenci 1
Opinie 0

Media społ.

Viber WhatsApp Telegram linkedin Facebook
DUTCHSTAR – The international property & workforce expert. DUTCHSTAR offers the complete service package for renting-out residential & commercial real estate. From decor installations, maintenance, management, software, tenancies, reservations, housekeeping and check-ins to check-outs. We take care of everything that property owners and their customers need. We use the most modern technologies, and we are available & operational 7 days per week. We specialize in IT, HR, Legal, Finance, PR, Customer care, Labour, and Design. Our top team is composed exclusively of experts who work for the property’s yield and the customer’s well-being. Welcome to DUTCHSTAR!
☎: +380(63)236-03-37 ✉: