International Business Academy Consortium opinie

Typ spółki: bezpośredni pracodawca

Osoba kontaktowa: Hanna Shcherbak

Anglia, Лондон, Unit G.3, The Hub, 70 Pacific Quay, Glasgow, G51 1EA, United Kingdom

+44-744-218-77-04, +380733030770

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Wyświetlenia 151
Oferty prace 1
Subskrybenci 0
Opinie 0

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International Business Academy Consortium
(Opinie: 0)

Anglia, Лондон, Unit G.3, The Hub, 70 Pacific Quay, Glasgow, G51 1EA, United Kingdom


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International Business Academy Consortium opinie

Typ spółki: bezpośredni pracodawca

Osoba kontaktowa: Hanna Shcherbak

Anglia, Лондон, Unit G.3, The Hub, 70 Pacific Quay, Glasgow, G51 1EA, United Kingdom

+44-744-218-77-04, +380733030770

O firmie:

Przeglądy profilu 151
Oferty prace 1
Subskrybenci 0
Opinie 0

Media społ.

Viber Facebook
International Business Academy Consortium (IBA) is a global educational consortium that includes a network of educational and scientific institutions, companies and business experts. The consortium creates and promotes innovation in education in various fields - from business education, natural sciences and artificial intelligence to visual arts, cinema and music. IBA includes international educational networks: MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL BIGBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL NANOBOSS GENIUS PRE-SCHOOL EINSTEIN SCIENCE SCHOOL LEONARDO CREATIVE ART SCHOOL ROYAL BRITISH SCHOOL 100% FILM SCHOOL ROCK SCHOOL   IBA is actively developing its franchise network in various countries around the world, providing the opportunity for entrepreneurs to join the company's successful educational mission. The main goal of franchising development is to expand access to innovative educational programs and business services of the IBA Consortium around the world.
☎: +44-744-218-77-04 ✉: