Vitalii Korchak - Резюме Стабильная работа с личностным и финансовым ростом

Стабильная работа с личностным и финансовым ростом
Магазины - Мясокомбинаты - Супермаркеты
5000 $
Канада (Онтарио)
Контактное лицо: Vitalii Korchak
Страна проживания: Украина
Возраст: 31
Телефон: показать
Опыт работы:
Work experience: 2010-2017. periodicals distribution company Presa. Position: 2010-2016. I worked my way up from inspector to Category II engineer in the department of documents. 2016-2017. Engineer of the second category in the Department of Information Technology. 2017-2018. At the Internet cable company "Volya". Position: Technician 2018-2019. In the branch chain of pawn shops "Lombard Green 24". Position: Branch Manager. 2019-2022. In the Lithuanian company "Viciunai and Partners". Position: Logistician 2022-2023. In the Lithuanian company "Biovela group". Position: Production line operator.
Education: Kiev Professional Electromechanical Lyceum, 2010. Specialty: Electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment and electrician for fire alarm system. Kiev Communications College, 2013. Specialty: Maintenance of computer systems and networks.
Профессиональные и другие навыки:
Performance Achievements: “Green 24 Lombard” has so established teamwork and customer service that it has put the department in first place among other departments in originating more than 2,000,000 mortgages. The “Biovela Group” is the only operator to have mastered the new VerTex hamburger patty line, tripling production.
Владение языками:
Personal qualities: Attentiveness, punctuality, efficiency, diligence, responsibility, ability to work in a team, desire to learn and develop. I am interested in investments and financial literacy, keep an eye on Canadian technology companies as a potential investment. I am ready to work in one of these companies in almost any position, if I can become part of the company of the future, such as horizon aircraft.

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