Досвід роботи:
Указан в резюме - прикреплено. Я более 10 лет работал на норвежский и американские рынки. Английский, я думаю, между upper intermediate и advanced. Последнее место работы для американского рынка - 121eCommerce, Senior backend developer.
All information about my experience in attached resume. I was worked over than 10 years for norwegian and american markets. My english level, as I think, between intermediate and advanced. The last job for american market - is 121eCommerce(senior backend developer)
Bachelor's degree of computer engineering (2009)
Професійні та інші навички:
basic: php, nginx, docker, mysql, postgresql, javascript, graphql, rest, redis, memcached, varnish rabbitmq, gearman, bash
frameworks: laravel, symfony, magento2, knockoutjs also a lot of years ago started as frontend/wordpress developer
additional technologies: docker, k8s, aws, newrelic
Володіння мовами:
Мое последнее место работы - xFit (backend developer, да там на стартап расчитан один backend), работал с мобильными разработчиками, фронтдером(там есть еще портал), с интеграциями. Не имею желания на российский рынок работать, т к нет возможности развития и я ориентирован на Запад.
Есть украинский и российский биометрические заграны.
My last job generally - is xFit company(I had there backed developer position), worked with mobile developers, frontend developer and with many integrations.
I do not wish to work with russian market, because I do not have ability for growing as professional here. I orient to the west technologies and companies generally.
And also I have ukrainian and russian foreighn passports.