Компания AON DATA

Тип компании: Частное лицо

Контактное лицо: Felipe Faustin

5541988739776, felipefaustinoc

Про компанию:

Просмотры 142
Вакансии 2
Подписчики 0
Отзывы 0


AON data is an industry-leading artificial intelligence data solution provider, with AI data middle-end and data application services as the core development direction. By focusing on the research and development of a full-stack digital intelligence platform, the boundary between perception and cognitive intelligence is opened up, and artificial intelligence is promoted in more vertical scenarios.

Компания AON DATA

Тип компании: Частное лицо

Контактное лицо: Felipe Faustin

5541988739776, felipefaustinoc

Про компанию:

Просмотры профиля 142
Вакансии 2
Подписчики 0
Отзывы 0
AON data is an industry-leading artificial intelligence data solution provider, with AI data middle-end and data application services as the core development direction. By focusing on the research and development of a full-stack digital intelligence platform, the boundary between perception and cognitive intelligence is opened up, and artificial intelligence is promoted in more vertical scenarios.
☎: 5541988739776 ✉: