Работодатели в Индии

Найдено 30 компаний

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Girl Power Talk
Girl Power Talk, in partnership with Blue Ocean Global Technology, proactively builds stellar reputations. We create and promote top digital assets that accelerate the growth of brand equity. We provide the best comprehensive reputation management services, which often include search engine optimiza...
Girl Power Talk
Girl Power Talk, in partnership with Blue Ocean Global Technology, proactively builds stellar reputations. We create and promote top digital assets that accelerate the growth of brand equity. We provide the best comprehensive reputation management services, which often include search engine optimiza...
BCM Group India
BCM Group is a leading manpower recruitment agency from India that has provided skilled & experienced manpower to European countries like Romania, Croatia, Hungary, Serbia, Finland, and Sweden for the past 15+ years. BCM group offers services to industries such as Manufacturing, Automobile, Hosp...
BCM Group India
BCM Group is a leading manpower recruitment agency from India that has provided skilled & experienced manpower to European countries like Romania, Croatia, Hungary, Serbia, Finland, and Sweden for the past 15+ years. BCM group offers services to industries such as Manufacturing, Automobile, Hosp...
ООО Тенхантер
Здесь специалисты рекомендуют своих друзей, знакомых и коллег или же откликаются сами, а взамен — получают вознаграждение. TenHunter — это не внешняя реферальная программа, а эффективная замена рекрутинговому агентству. ...
ООО Тенхантер
Здесь специалисты рекомендуют своих друзей, знакомых и коллег или же откликаются сами, а взамен — получают вознаграждение. TenHunter — это не внешняя реферальная программа, а эффективная замена рекрутинговому агентству. ...
Job in Russia for boys and girls from India   in the food factory and sales points  1 year work visa with the possibility of extending the visa  salary 500$-600$ free food free house  Fore more information please text me by whatsapp +37433030364 
Job in Russia for boys and girls from India   in the food factory and sales points  1 year work visa with the possibility of extending the visa  salary 500$-600$ free food free house  Fore more information please text me by whatsapp +37433030364 
Triumphant Finance Company
Borrow money here today at an affordable interest rate. My company offers the best financial services under conducive terms and conditions, and our services are 100% guaranteed and risk-free. To Apply, contact my company via email: [email protected]
 Triumphant Finance Company
Borrow money here today at an affordable interest rate. My company offers the best financial services under conducive terms and conditions, and our services are 100% guaranteed and risk-free. To Apply, contact my company via email: [email protected]
CloudPulse: Top IT Solution, Mobile App, Web & Software
CloudPulse: Top IT Solution, Mobile App, Web & Software
Price Label Software
Price Label Software, a company that was established in 2008, is a reputable name in software development. We create software products and utilities as well as commercial software products for different industry sectors. We provide a range of software solutions for manufacturing, distribution, retai...
Price Label Software
Price Label Software, a company that was established in 2008, is a reputable name in software development. We create software products and utilities as well as commercial software products for different industry sectors. We provide a range of software solutions for manufacturing, distribution, retai...
USB Drive Data Recovery
USB Drive Data Recovery, a company that was established in 2008, is a reputable name in software development. We create software products and utilities as well as commercial software products for different industry sectors. We provide a range of software solutions for data backup, data recovery, dat...
USB Drive Data Recovery
USB Drive Data Recovery, a company that was established in 2008, is a reputable name in software development. We create software products and utilities as well as commercial software products for different industry sectors. We provide a range of software solutions for data backup, data recovery, dat...
Arad Branding1
Our company has an 18 years in experience in international commerce, with more than 4000 products,35 different offices and more than 10000 colleagues all over the world. We can assist you with the entire process. 
Arad Branding1
Our company has an 18 years in experience in international commerce, with more than 4000 products,35 different offices and more than 10000 colleagues all over the world. We can assist you with the entire process. 
Нужны операторы на сьемку фильмов в Индии. Зарплата 1.500-2.500$ Писать в телеграмм - @richthegarcons
Нужны операторы на сьемку фильмов в Индии. Зарплата 1.500-2.500$ Писать в телеграмм - @richthegarcons
Arad Branding Agency
Arad Branding, an international commercial company with near two decades of industry experience and over 4000 products is now looking for agents to sell its products in their country High Commission (up to 70%)
Arad Branding Agency
Arad Branding, an international commercial company with near two decades of industry experience and over 4000 products is now looking for agents to sell its products in their country High Commission (up to 70%)
Link tr
We're recruiting for a friendly team 👨‍💻🤝👩‍💻a team that knows how to make money 💵 you can also 💰if you : - know Bengali 🇧🇩- have a computer or laptop 🖥💻 - had experience working in a call-center ( if not, we will teach you )📞🗣️🤳- stable schedule: from 10am to 6pm or from 3pm to ...
Link tr
We're recruiting for a friendly team 👨‍💻🤝👩‍💻a team that knows how to make money 💵 you can also 💰if you : - know Bengali 🇧🇩- have a computer or laptop 🖥💻 - had experience working in a call-center ( if not, we will teach you )📞🗣️🤳- stable schedule: from 10am to 6pm or from 3pm to ...
Необхідно знайти корінного Індуса, який живе в ГОА. Обов'язки:  і буде готовий до співпраці по будуванню проекту SPA\Ретрит центру.  Ніцональність: Індус Стать: Чоловіча Вік: 25-35 років. Вища освіта. Знання російської або української мови для усного і письмого спілку...
Необхідно знайти корінного Індуса, який живе в ГОА. Обов'язки:  і буде готовий до співпраці по будуванню проекту SPA\Ретрит центру.  Ніцональність: Індус Стать: Чоловіча Вік: 25-35 років. Вища освіта. Знання російської або української мови для усного і письмого спілку...

Кл-во вакансий: 2

на layboard.com с 06-02-2025

Р.с.м лимитед

Кл-во вакансий: 0

на layboard.com с 06-02-2025


Кл-во вакансий: 2

на layboard.com с 06-02-2025

Sas Weva

Кл-во вакансий: 2

на layboard.com с 06-02-2025


Кл-во вакансий: 2

на layboard.com с 06-02-2025

Clever Study


Курсову виконали навіть швидше, ніж обіцяли. Сервісом задоволений!


Добрый день! Я хочу оставить отзыв про роботу. Уже 4 месяца работаю строителем в Латвии, очень рад, что попал сюда. Получаю зарплату вовремя и даже больше чем обещали, часто дают премии ведь я хорошо работаю. Спасибо вам Елена 😎 что я попал сюда быстро и безопасно и что все документы так быстро и недорого сделали. Через год хочу поехать работать в Хорватию через вашу компанию.
Владислав Ваксин 770


Хочу поблагодарить Владислава и его партнеров за проход границы и работу оператором станка на заводе. Очень классная работа , все автоматическое и зарплата 14$ в час.
Parkes Personnel LTD


Помогите пожалуйста с оформления физа. Поехат Англия.
Parkes Personnel LTD

Константин Коновалов

Матвей, спасибо за консультацию. Приятно удивлен.