Прямий роботодавець Rebron L.L.S

Тип компанії: Прямий роботодавець

Контактна особа: Aleksandr Born

Нідерланди, Dubai

971-4-3242342, +62 856 95292335


VAT: 1315876

Про компанію:

Перегляди 624
Вакансії 1
Підписники 0
Відгуки 0
Rebron L.L.S
(Відгуки: 0)

Нідерланди, Dubai



1986Reborn is a detail oriented, nostalgia fueled collection of 1,984 Misfits cruising their way through The Portal to the Ethereum Blockchain. What started as a vision inspired by the nostalgia of the year 1986 and life experiences of the projects founder Condé - 1986 has finally made its grand entrance into the world of Web2 and Web3. Equipped with many years of experience in storytelling, world building, and also working alongside established teams in Web3, Condé is setting his sights on positioning 1986 for long term success in its ventures.

Rebron L.L.S
Прямий роботодавець

охоплення: 791

contact @promo1986 telegram




Прямий роботодавець Rebron L.L.S

Тип компанії: Прямий роботодавець

Контактна особа: Aleksandr Born

Нідерланди, Dubai

971-4-3242342, +62 856 95292335


VAT: 1315876

Про компанію:

Перегляди профілю 624
Вакансії 1
Підписники 0
Відгуки 0
1986Reborn is a detail oriented, nostalgia fueled collection of 1,984 Misfits cruising their way through The Portal to the Ethereum Blockchain. What started as a vision inspired by the nostalgia of the year 1986 and life experiences of the projects founder Condé - 1986 has finally made its grand entrance into the world of Web2 and Web3. Equipped with many years of experience in storytelling, world building, and also working alongside established teams in Web3, Condé is setting his sights on positioning 1986 for long term success in its ventures.
☎: 971-4-3242342 ✉: sergeipraca@gmail.com