Агенція Telegram_PREMIUM

Тип компанії: Агенція

Контактна особа: aleks777


Про компанію:

Перегляди 648
Вакансії 1
Підписники 0
Відгуки 0
(Відгуки: 0)




КYou need to have a Telegram account with a Kenyan number!

Be online for min. 3-4 hours!

Have a bank card to receive money on it!

Everything is white!

The salary depends on the time you put in!

This is remote work!

The principle of operation is this, I throw off money, you buy Telegram premium! Further, you are simply required to distribute Telegram premium to those people whose nicknames I will throw off! After sales, I give you a percentage of sales, which is negotiated individually!

You will also receive Telegram Premium as a gift. If you are interested, write in telegram to the nickname @playsmax

Если интересно, пишите в телеграм на ник @playsmax

Агенція Telegram_PREMIUM

Тип компанії: Агенція

Контактна особа: aleks777


Про компанію:

Перегляди профілю 648
Вакансії 1
Підписники 0
Відгуки 0
КYou need to have a Telegram account with a Kenyan number! Be online for min. 3-4 hours! Have a bank card to receive money on it! Everything is white! The salary depends on the time you put in! This is remote work! The principle of operation is this, I throw off money, you buy Telegram premium! Further, you are simply required to distribute Telegram premium to those people whose nicknames I will throw off! After sales, I give you a percentage of sales, which is negotiated individually! You will also receive Telegram Premium as a gift. If you are interested, write in telegram to the nickname @playsmax Если интересно, пишите в телеграм на ник @playsmax
☎: ✉: alex@holdmedia.ru