Тип компанії: Прямий роботодавець
Контактна особа: Elena Drozd
Туреччина, Istanbul
Про компанію:
Międzynarodowa firma w związku z rozwojem i otwarciem nowego oddziału poszukuje osoby z doświadczeniem w taksówce w Warszawie lub z doświadczeniem jako kurier w samochodzie w Warszawie z obowiązkową znajomością języków: rosyjsko-POLSKI lub angielsko- POLSKIE. Wymóg obowiązkow...
The company is looking for a person with experience in the field of deliveries and cargo transportation to advise their employees. Experience in deliveries should be in Madrid. Language proficiency is required: Spain-Russian or Spain-English. Our company collects data on the work of couriers a...
International IT company is looking for a person with experience in the field of deliveries and cargo transportation to advise their employees. Experience in deliveries should be in Warsaw. Language proficiency is required: Polish-Russian or Polish-English. Our company collects data on th...
We are looking for a Sales Manager with required knowledge of the following languages: Russian-Turkish or English-Turkish. What do we have to do: - communicate with clients by phone or e-mail. We are looking for you to join our team if you: speak fluent languages: Russian-Turkish or E...
The company is looking for a person with experience in the field of deliveries and cargo transportation to advise their employees. Experience in deliveries should be in Istanbul. Language proficiency is required: Turkish-Russian or Turkish-English. Our company collects data on the work of cour...
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Рейтинг за 2022-2024