Менеджер - Бухарест
Зарплата 1500 $

Aurora Multimarket

Прямой работодатель

на layboard с 01.11.2024

Контактное лицо: Larisa

We are looking for a Regional Manager in team coordination and business process management, eager to actively contribute to the ︈︁︍︉︊︄︀︆​️︋︊️​︁︁︎︍​︉︁︊︄​︈︎︂︁︅︎️︍︂︆︂︇growth and success of our company. In this role, you will be responsible for coordinating and developing a regional team, implementing strategic initiatives, and optimizing processes. If you are an adaptable, solution-oriented person with excellent communication skills and ready to take on the challenges of a dynamic environment, we want to meet you!

What we envision for the candidate in this role:

  • Experience in team management for at least 3 years (knowledge and skills in organizing and creating team work).
  • Knowledge of russian/ukrainian and english language.
  • Willingness for frequent business trips, as this is the core of the job.
  • Proficient PC user (Excel, 1C, and overall MS Office).
  • Understand what responsibility is and not be afraid to take it on (a high level of responsibility and initiative is truly important in this role).
  • Be open, with active listening skills and healthy communication (possess excellent communication skills and be able to find common ground with anyone).
  • Ready to find solutions in seemingly impossible situations and able to set up work in a state of uncertainty.
  • Ability to clearly, concisely, and inspirationally set tasks (SMART technique).
  • Adaptability to changes and the ability to integrate them into the team.
  • Ability to manage group dynamics and implement changes, initiatives, and decisions.
  • Have your own vision, approach, and the ability to communicate it.
  • High level of business process management (description, setup, optimization, execution control, workload assessment, integration, and implementation).
  • Financial literacy (understanding the interdependence of financial factors and their impact) and the ability to manage a budget.

Responsibilities that the employee will undertake

1.Be a leader to your team (group of territorial managers and their subordinate ︁︀​︂︃︃​︈︃​︀staff):

  • Communicate and explain the goals and objectives set before the team/team member.
  • Support task execution through checkpoints, timely responses, and prompt feedback to your team/team member.
  • Develop the team/team member through training and mentoring, delegating more complex tasks, and working together on tasks.
  • Convey to the team/team member the requirements and expectations for them or the task.
  • Explain the work concept, company culture, internal rules, job instructions, and motivation systems.

2. Staff the team (department):

  • Determine the requirements for candidates for territorial managers and participate in the selection of candidates.
  • Initiate and organize the transfer of team members from one department to another or from one role (position) to another.
  • Organize the interchangeability of team members (if necessary).

3. Organize team work:

  • Provide the necessary tools, communication channels, and information to complete the assigned tasks.
  • Communicate decisions, events (promotions, openings, etc.), and changes in the company, and adapt them to the team's work.
  • Ensure interaction between the team and other company departments (accounting, marketing, etc.).
  • Analyze the work of the department and the controlled region and initiate decisions based on the conclusions drawn.
  • Monitor, analyze, and assist in the execution of the sales plan for the controlled region.
  • Provide assistance and consultation on working with internal software.
  • Resolve conflicts both within the team and with customers.
  • Monitor the correct entry of primary documentation.

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